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Yosemite National Park

Hello, everybody! Two Sundays ago, my family and I took a trip to Yosemite National Park during Memorial Day Weekend. Due to the heavy rainfall this past winter season, there is so much water in Yosemite! I was able to capture some nice photos as well as make a little montage video of my time there. Hope you enjoy!

Photos below:

So much water!

My mom really likes these dogwood flowers. There were so many dogwood trees scattered throughout the forest.

We took a shuttle bus up to Glacier Point. Our bus driver was so cheery. He sang songs throughout the ride as you may have heard if you watched the video above.

If you would like to get a good shot of Half Dome at Washburn Point during the shuttle ride, I suggest riding on the right side of the bus. The windows are clean so you can get a good picture from it.

It’s so beautiful up here!

Inserting a cheeky panorama into the mix.

The shuttle bus wait time was long but well worth the view!

Can’t get enough Half Dome.

You can see a lot of waterfalls from up here.

There is a little shop where the buses drop you off. You can purchase deli sandwiches, souvenirs, and other items. When I was really young, my family came up here and bought ice cream. One of the reasons we went back to Glacier Point was because my mom wanted to relive the memory. I was really little so I don’t remember much of that first trip, but I do recall this ice cream sandwich. I remember eating this and trying to feed part of the cookie to a squirrel. An adult then told me not to do that (don’t feed the wildlife!). I picked the same ice cream sandwich in honor of those memories.

The clouds are quite nice to look at.

Do you see the falls?

I just want to roll around in the lush, green fields of Yosemite.

Left to right: regular gimbap, bulgogi gimbap, ham gimbap

Thank you to my mother who woke up extra early to wrap these delicious gimbap rolls. Gimbap (김밥) is a Korean dish consisting of rice and fillings wrapped in dried seaweed. It may look similar to Japanese sushi, but it is very different in terms of filling and other ingredients added to the rice. Maybe I’ll post a gimbap recipe one day. Who knows?

There were people lounging around in hammocks dangling off the side of this rock wall. Talk about adrenaline junkies.

Someone left a Polaroid here. It looks quite cool and faded, possibly due to rainy weather. Don’t litter, kids.

I hope these pictures inspired you to take a trip to one of America’s breathtaking national parks. Although Memorial Day has passed for the year, let’s remember to thank those who gave their lives to protect and serve. No matter where you are from (United States of America or elsewhere), it’s important to remember those who have served not just for the betterment of our respective countries but for our global community as a whole. Thank you.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a blessed week!

Until next time,

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