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Papa Recipe Bombee Fruitables Yellow Squeeze Brightening Mask Review

This sheet mask takes me away to a tropical paradise.

This sheet mask screams tropical smoothie. The scent transports me to a tropical island where I have a drink in my hand that tastes exactly like how this smells. At first, I couldn’t quite grasp what the individual fruits were, but after reading the key ingredients, bingo.

The ingredients that I struggled to identity were yuja followed by loquat. Loquat is a sweet, citrus-like fruit that grows on trees. They conjure up memories from my childhood when my grandpa visited America for the first time. We would go to the park behind our apartment every day as part of our afternoon routine. My grandpa, having a very curious personality, found a tree growing fruit that neither he nor I had ever seen before. He picked one and tried it, which thinking about this as an adult, could have turned out very dangerous if it wasn’t an edible plant. Luckily, it turned out safe to consume. My grandpa, after discovering it was sweet and edible, offered me one as well. It was so tasty that we picked a few more to deliver to my mom and grandma to try. I’m not 100% sure if that fruit was actually a loquat, but looking at pictures online of the fruit and the seed, I’m almost certain it is. I’m actually really happy I bought this mask because I’ve been trying to find out what the fruit from my childhood memory is, and I don’t think I would have ever discovered it if it weren’t for this mask.

In addition to yuja and loquat, the yellow squeeze complex in this mask includes yuja, mango, pineapple, loquat, and ginger to brighten dull skin tone and improve skin tone. Yuja extract vitalizes and brightens skin, mango extract vitalizes and nourishes skin, pineapple extract improves skin health and vitality, loquat extract nourishes and hydrates skin, and ginger extract firms and vitalizes skin. This yellow squeeze complex also works to create moisturized and healthier skin.

Read the Orange Squeeze Energy Mask to learn more about the line cell sheet and squeeze method (compressed juice extraction) technology used in this sheet mask.

As I mentioned above, this mask has a tropical, fruity scent. It’s not super detectable on the face, just a couple whiffs here and there. Again, the line cell sheet is incredibly thin and comfortable. This masks offers a light cooling sensation and leaves the face feeling cool, soft, and nourished. Like the other masks in this line, the essence absorbs completely into the skin, leaving a matte finish. This particular mask also adds a soft glow from within effect and evens out skin tone. Once again, I’m very happy with this sheet mask from the Papa Recipe Bombee Fruitables line.

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