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Papa Recipe Bombee Fruitables Pink Squeeze Vitality Mask Review

My skin just drinks this stuff up.

This vitality mask contains pink squeeze complex with the follow five extracts: peach, grapefruit, lychee, dragon fruit, and fig. Peach extract moisturizes and vitalizes the skin, grapefruit extract offers antioxidants and skin protection, lychee extract vitalizes and brightens, dragon fruit extract aids in anti-aging and vitalizing the skin, and fig extract moisturizes and improves skin tone. Pink squeeze complex soothes and vitalizes irritated skin, creating moisturized and healthier skin.

To learn more about the technology behind Papa Recipe’s line cell sheet and squeeze method (compressed juice extraction), please refer to my review of the Orange Squeeze Energy Mask.

This sheet mask offers a light, sweet lychee and berry fragrance. It is just barely detectable once on the face. The mask provides a slight cooling sensation. The essence is super gentle on the skin, and the line cell sheet feels super breathable and lightweight. As with the other sheet masks in the Bombee Fruitables line, the essence absorbed in the skin quickly and did not leave any oily residue. This mask reduced the redness on my face and evened out skin tone. My skin looks youthful and bright, and I also noticed that my pores seem a little less deep. Since this mask focuses on bringing vitality to the skin, I didn’t expect it to also help reduce the appearance of pores. All in all, another winner from Papa Recipe!

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