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JET Program Interview Completed!

Hello, friends! About a week ago, I finally had my JET Program interview in San Francisco. It was definitely very nerve-wracking but exciting at the same time; I was so nervous because I really wanted the job but also excited because it meant being one step closer to getting accepted into the program. My mom said she wanted to go with me, so we both took Caltrain to San Francisco early in the morning and stayed at a nearby coffee shop while I prepped for the interview. About 45 minutes before my interview start time, I walked over to Hotel Nikko, which was where the interviews were held. While I waited for my name to be called, I befriended a really nice girl who was also there for her interview. We just chatted about our majors, placement requests, and just how nervous we both were. Time passed by really quickly because before I knew it, my name was called for the interview. My interviewers were three women: one lady from the Consulate, a JET alum, and a Japanese professor from the University of Nevada. They were all very welcoming and friendly. I really enjoyed my interview and thought it went quite well, but I guess we will find out in about a month! The San Francisco JET Program coordinator informed us that results will likely be released around late March, so I’ll keep you all updated around then! In the meantime, I’ll just be here studying Japanese and preparing for life abroad again. I’m staying hopeful!

Looking forward to sharing some good news with you all in about a month’s time!

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