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AHH!!!! I cannot believe it! I made the shortlist for the JET Program!!!! I’m so happy that I cannot process my emotions right now. OMG. AH. EEP. I can’t believe it’s already been like a year and half since I’ve started preparing for this job (not including the many years building teaching experience), and now I made it. Wow.

It’s so funny how just a while ago, I was such a nervous wreck, constantly checking Reddit forums and refreshing my email inbox every five minutes (I kid you not when I say every five minutes) and now I’m so elated and relieved knowing that I was worried for nothing. I’m in! My dad’s pretty sad about it though. I’m sure he is happy that I’m living my dream right now, but he’s bittersweet about it because he doesn’t want me to be apart from him. I keep telling him I’ll send him an airplane ticket to visit me, but he keeps sulking and pouting haha.

I met a really nice girl in San Francisco during the interviews, and I was just informed that she wasn’t accepted into the program but that she was accepted into a master’s program so she would have gone that route regardless of the JET Program outcome. I’m glad things worked out well for the both of us. I was really looking forward to having a fellow JET Program friend, but I’m so happy for her!

On that note, if you are also going to Japan as part of the JET Program (or will be living in Japan for other reasons such as study abroad), I’d love to be friends! Feel free to reach out to me on my blog or through Instagram (@Loriboriii). Congrats, by the way, if you were also accepted into the program, a different job, or a study abroad program!

AHHHH. OK, I’m going to continue to try and process my emotions now. EEP. OK. There’s just so much to do now. I really need to amp up my Japanese language abilities now. AH. OK, I’ll stop spewing my crazy emotions out on the keyboard now. Thanks so much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to talking to you all again soon (I’ve been trying to use up my skincare collection in anticipation of hopefully moving to Japan, so expect a lot of fun skincare and face mask posts!).

Love you all so so much! I’m going to go cry tears of joy now. Bye!


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