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Freeman Feeling Beautiful Renewing Cucumber Peel-off Gel Mask Review

Peeling off a mask in one piece is just so satisfying, is it not?

If you’ve never heard of a peel-off mask, they are spread on the face and left to dry. After completely drying down, they can be peeled off instead of washing off, pulling off dead skin along with it.

When I opened the package this of renewing cucumber peel-off gel mask by Freeman, I noticed a strong cucumber scent. As I applied the product to the face, a very pungent industrial glue scent made its presence. That extremely strong glue scent lasted until removal.

The package says to wait 10-15 minutes or until dry. I waited 30 minutes, but there were still some parts that were wet. Note to self: next time, either apply a thinner layer or wait a bit longer to remove.

I expected to be highly disappointed with the product after my last product review from the same brand (which you can read about here), but I was very pleasantly surprised to find out this product is actually quite good. It did a nice job of removing dead skin cells as my face was left feeling very soft and smooth. I like how mask didn’t feel tight even when dry; I didn’t feel like my skin was being stretched or dried out as I waited for other parts of the face to finish setting. It pulled out a few peach fuzz hairs, but I didn’t feel any pain whatsoever. I wish it pulled out a lot more like a wax strip, but that wasn’t the case. However, I was very much elated to discover this peel off mask comes off in pretty much a single peel. I’ve tried others that don’t, so this was quite satisfying. I guess that’s the trade off for having to deal with such pungent glue fumes.

All in all, although the glue scent is extremely pungent and fumy, it’s a nice peel off mask that does a good job of removing dead skin. To be honest though, I don’t see myself buying a full-sized tube of this because the fumes were just so strong.

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