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Freeman Feeling Beautiful Purifying Avocado + Oatmeal Clay Mask Review

I have to admit that after my first experience with Freeman, I’ve been wary about its products. Let’s see if this mask changes my mind.

Freeman says to “nourish and purify with this award-winning mask! Rich clays dive deep to purge dirt and oils from pores. Avocado, oatmeal, and Vitamin E help moisturize for lasting skin softness. Perfect for normal to combination skin.” This mask “instantly deep cleans and nourishes for fresh skin” in ten minutes.

This mask has moderately strong scent that I can’t exactly put my finger on, but it reminds me of baby lotion and generic hand soap. You’re probably thinking that’s not a good description, but you’ll understand when you smell it.

I thought it would be a gray clay mask, but turns out it’s actually a light greenish blue color. The clay mask does separate a bit in the packaging. It’s not a big issue though since it mixes right in during application. The ingredients list says that this mask is made of bentonite clay. One thing to remember with bentonite clay is to avoid metal. This means avoid having the mask touch the metal ferrule of a mask brush if using one and absolutely no metal bowls. I’ve heard some say it’s not all that accurate to say metal reduces the skin benefits of bentonite clay, but better to be safe than sorry, right? Although, the ingredients list also includes metallic compounds and bentonite clay itself has traces of aluminum, so I’m not exactly sure on the science behind metal reacting to bentonite clay, but again, better safe than sorry!

This mask has some slip to it, so I recommend using a cleansing brush or sponge to remove it if you have one. With a brush, the removal process was very easy.

The results I saw with this mask were clearer pores and less blackheads, especially on the nose. I think this is a great gentle clay mask, especially given the affordable price. After my horrible first experience with Freeman Beauty (which you can read about here), I became wary of Freeman products, but I’ve been finding a few other good ones that’s been improving my image of the brand’s products. This avocado and oatmeal clay mask has definitely added points.

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