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Fox & Goose

Hello, everybody! Two weeks ago, my friends and I went to grab dinner and catch up. My friend Zoilyn suggested a pub-style restaurant called Fox & Goose. It was my first time there, so naturally, I had to take some pictures! The food was so visually pleasing, so I have to share!

Fox & Goose is traditional English pub situated in downtown Sacramento. The pub is decorated with London street signs and other English trinkets. I was super excited to see the street signs because they reminded me of my trip to London last year.

At this pub, we were allowed to sit wherever and the waitress would take our order from there. As it was my first time at a pub, I’m not sure if all pubs are self-seating. We decided to sit in a spacious corner area by the window. As it was a pub, it was a loud environment with the sounds amplified by the walls in a small area.

Tim’s fish and chips

The foods here were very nicely garnished.

Kyle’s sandwich

The bread looks so cool! However, don’t be fooled by the different colors! The brown and white parts of the bread taste the same. Just different colors!

Zoilyn’s Cornish pasty

I’ve heard that Cornish pasties were made by the wives of miners in Cornwall, England for their husbands’ lunch while at work. Since the miners’ hands would be covered in soot, they would hold the twisted edge of the pasty and discard that part after eating the rest of their meal since the soot would transfer over to the part they touched. This is just a story I’ve heard, so I’m not sure if it’s actually true, but a great story nonetheless!

My Hyde Park burger

I opted for the Hyde Park burger, which I was super excited about because one of the places I frequented in England was Hyde Park. It’s such a beautiful place with swans and other wildlife, statues, and a homey atmosphere. I definitely recommend you check it out if you happen to be in the London area. The great thing about London is that the tourist spots tend to be near each other. I walked around central London and saw a bunch of tourist spots in one day without taking any public transportation. Anyways, a bit of a tangent but I definitely recommend checking out the Royal Parks if you ever take a vacation in London.

Thank you to the waitress who took our picture!

We didn’t order any alcoholic drinks even though it was a pub as we’re not big alcohol drinkers. We just went for the food!

Maple bacon scone (top) and ollalieberry scone (bottom)

Zoilyn raved about the scones at Fox & Goose. We ordered maple bacon, which was the special of the day, and the ollalieberry scone. Each scone comes with some sweet cream and lemon curd. My friend Tim really loved the scones (especially the cream) that he actually went back the week later just for the scones.

Rose tea (left) and Cap’n Crunch (right)

The night was still young so we went to grab some boba after dinner. I got the Cap’n Crunch flavor, which was alright. I didn’t finish it even though I got the smaller size.

Anyways, thanks for reading this quick, belated blog post! I hope you enjoyed all of the food pictures. If you would like to see pictures from my Europe trip last summer, click here for food pictures, and here and here for fun adventure pictures. If you got anything from this post, I would say check out Hyde Park and other Royal Parks if you visit London, and if you can’t visit London but are in the Sacramento area, visit Fox and Goose for a little glimpse of England.

I hope all of my readers have a great week! Thanks for reading, and until next time,

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