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Daffodil Hill

Hello everyone! Last week was my spring break, which means I finally went back up north! My mom and I thought it would be fun to take a little trip to Daffodil Hill in Volcano, California. It was my mom’s second time visiting, but my first time. There were a lot of flowers but also a lot of unique animals, so I thought I would share some of the pictures I took with you all.

Unfortunately, when we went on Tuesday, Daffodil Hill was closed. Before we left, we looked it up on Google, which said it was open for the day, so we drove about an hour up north to Volcano, California only to find out that they would be open the next day. We were only able to see the donkey out front and two peacocks. I’ve only ever seen peacocks inside a zoo before so they was quite exciting to see outside.

We went back the next day about an hour earlier. There was a good number of people there to view the flowers. Upon entering the gates, we were greeted with several cute donkeys. There’s a donkey near where I live, but these donkeys were on the smaller and fuzzier side so they were super adorable.

There was also a beautiful peacock perched on a fence displaying his colorful feathers. I wonder how peacocks keep their feathers so clean since they are quite long and drag along the ground.

There were also chickens and pheasants. It was my first time seeing a pheasant, and I was surprised by the male pheasant’s colorful feathers.

There were many types of daffodils including your standard yellow flower.

There were also other types of flowers, such as the tulips above.

I don’t think anyone lives in this cabin anymore.

We saw a crowd gathering up the hill so we went to check it out. Turns out a peacock was proudly display his feathers!




Show’s over!

How does a peacock get up there?


Those aren’t daffodils up above, but you knew that!

These daffodils were the most unique in my opinion. If you look closely, the petals resemble the layout of rose petals a bit.

Thanks for taking a little trip to Daffodil Hill with my mom and me!

Until next time,

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