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Canceled Walt Disney World Vacation

Hi, friends! I just got off my final work shift before departing for my much anticipated friends reunion trip. Woohoo! I’m meeting a group of my study abroad friends whom I haven’t seen in over two years. I’m so excited to see all my wonderful friends after such a long time, and we had all these vacation plans for Florida and California including a trip to Walt Disney World. I’ve never been to Walt Disney World, so I was really looking forward to it, but we were just informed that it would be closed only a few days before our trip. What was months of planning suddenly became all for naught. We all centered our arrival airports and hotels around Walt Disney World and booked everything already other than the actual theme park tickets, so now we have to figure out what our vacation plans are still centered in Orlando in only a few days with many other attractions also closed due to the coronavirus. I wanted to see some really pretty Florida beaches and other nature-esque sights, but we’re kind of stuck in Orlando due to flights and having already booked the hotel. I was looking forward to Walt Disney World too, and that’s what motivated me to keep hustling and working hard these past few weeks because let’s be honest, the Rat out here collecting all our coints. I guess the bright side is that I get to save money. Well, if anyone is familiar with Florida, any suggestions on what we could do there would be very much appreciated! For the most part, it looks like we’ll be stuck in our hotel due to COVID-19, but here’s to making the most of our situation!

Stay safe my friends!


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