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Bringing Back Face Mask Fridays

Hello, friends! Sorry about not having posted in a few days. I’ve been dealing with some very frustrating situations regarding car insurance. I’m still dealing with it, but I wanted to make sure I posted something today to keep in touch with you all. Today’s post isn’t a review, but I have exciting news for you all: I’m bringing back Face Mask Fridays!

If you’re a long time follower of the blog, you may remember that I had a series years ago where I would review face masks on Fridays ranging from sheet masks to clay masks. Lately, I feel that all my blog posts have been similar and not all that exciting. I remember how much fun I had with Face Mask Fridays, and I want to bring that back.

If you’re new to Face Mask Fridays, it was a series I did every Friday where I would review a different face mask on the overall experience, the shape and cutout of the mask if it was a sheet mask, how well the serum absorbed into the skin if it was serum-based, or how clean my skin felt afterwards if it was a clay mask. Face Mask Fridays was inspired by my friend Alyssa, who I used to work with at our university’s dinning commons. Every Friday we worked together, she would tell me that she did a face mask before her shift because it’s Face Mask Friday. That’s it. That’s the story of how it all started.

A lot of the masks I review tend to be Korean/K-beauty products simply because I buy way too many whenever I visit South Korea; however, I have some Japanese face masks that I want to try out as well. I have several boxes stuffed with face masks right now that I should really use, so I feel like this is the perfect opportunity.

I’m really excited about bringing Face Mask Fridays back also because I hope to upload them in video format on YouTube as well. I plan on frequently vlogging my life in Korea or Japan next year if I make the EPIK or Jet Program, so hopefully doing videos before I go will help me be less awkward in front of the camera by then and learn more about editing, lighting, sound, etc. If you want to stay tuned for that, I’ll leave a link to my channel here. Alternatively, you can use the social media icons displayed around my site to take you there.

Anyways, thank you always for supporting me whether you’re a longtime follower or if this is the first post you’ve read on this blog. I recently hit 100 followers here, and I just want to take the time to thank each and every one of you for showing me love. It feels great to know that my readers enjoy the content I post. I really appreciate it, and I hope I can continue to communicate and share more content with you all.

Once again, thank you so much for reading.
Until next time,

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