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Another Jolse Haul!

Honestly, this quarantine is so good and so bad for my wallet. So good because I’m not spending money eating out and on gas but also so bad because the only thing I look forward to is receiving another package in the mail. I’m basically just spending the entire day at home looking through online shops on my phone to pass the time. Before I even received my last Jolse order, I made another purchase because one, I have no self-control and two, because the Etude House Play Color Eyes Bakehouse palette was on sale for less than $10.

Before jumping into the goodies I ordered, here are all the free samples and gifts Jolse included. I’m excited to try the sheet mask, and you can never go wrong with extra socks and oil blotting sheets!

Most of the items in this haul are from Etude House. To start off, I purchased a lash separating tool as I’ve always wanted to try one. I’m not sure how I feel about it in terms of lash separation yet, but I don’t really like how the part that bends doesn’t click in place. I like how it bends and makes the tool compact and easy to travel with, but it find that it doesn’t stay in place when I try to use it. Another item I purchased from Etude House is this set of two hairclips. I really like the large size of the clips, and I purchased them with the intention of using them to keep my hair out of my face when washing up.

I’ve been wanting another clear mascara for a while now (the last time I used a clear mascara was probably back in high school and I’m now a college graduate! Crazy how time flies). I feel like I could use some help with the volume of my lashes more so than length, so I got the Volume Up Curl Fix Coating Fix, but I decided to get the Longlash Up Curl Fix Coating Fix as well since that one includes little fibers. The reason why I’ve been wanting a clear mascara is because I find a lot of mascaras make me look at a raccoon by the end of the day due to my oily skin and the shape of my eyes. To be honest, sometimes I completely skip mascara because of this issue. Clear mascaras can be used to coat and set black mascara or just on their own to help hold a curl. The last Etude House Dr. Mascara Fixer product I used (which I think has either since been discontinued or has been repackaged) was super budge-proof, so I’m hoping these will be just as good.

The Etude House Dear Girls Big Eyes Maker is something that I’ve been eyeing for years now. I’ve always wanted to buy it, but I kept telling myself that I could probably achieve a similar look using eyeshadows I already have. Well, I finally went for it! I’ve played with it a little bit, and I’m quite happy I got it! The inner tear duct shade is so sparkly and vibrant, and the darker shade works well with the lighter shimmer. I thought the darker shade would be a matte, light sepia color, but maybe I’m mistook it for the Dear Girls Cute Eyes Maker. I’m not too sure, but either way, I’m happy I got this to try out! I just need some more practice to precisely apply the product using the big sponge tips included.

Now, it is finally time to share the Etude House Play Color Eyes Bakehouse palette! This is another product I’ve been wanting for a long time. I’ve been wanting this ever since it came out, but I kept telling myself to wait for a good sale. Well, this palette was discounted for more than 50% off, and I knew that I would never see a deal as good as this one. I’m so excited to finally have this beautiful neutrals palette in my collection!

Again, more products I’ve been wanting for a while. These brushes I actually haven’t had on my wish list for all that long, but they were another one of those I-want-them-but-I-can-live-without-them products. Well, they were on sale so I figured I might as well add them to my cart.

Last but not least, I bought a cushion from the brand Nacific, which is super popular for its Fresh Herb Origin Serum. This is the Fresh Herb Origin Cover Cushion in No. 23. I can never use Korean complexion products because they tend to lean way too pink for my yellow complexion. I heard that the Nacific cushion was more on the yellow side, so I was curious to try it out. I applied a little on my jawline and it does seem a little more neutral just because my neck has very yellow undertones, but it definitely leans more yellow than the majority of Korean complexion products. I have yet to try this all over the face, but I’m hopeful that I can make it work for my yellow complexion!

I feel like this Jolse haul was a little more exciting than the last one because there are more products, especially more makeup goodies. Personally, I feel like makeup hauls are a little more exciting than any other type of haul. Is that just me? Haha.

Thanks for tuning in to another one of Bori’s compulsive quarantine hauls! See you in the next post!

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