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  1. Hi there!

    I’m on the waitlist, and I’m unsure if I should just wait it out or start seriously looking for off-campus housing. Do you know how good my chances are of getting an offer based on your friend’s experience?

    Thank you so much!

    • Hi Tammy! So sorry for the late response! I’m sure you’ve probably already figured everything out and are on your way to start the semester, but I would recommended looking into off-campus housing as a backup. Another friend of mine did not get on-campus housing at first and was on the waitlist but still looked into off-campus housing as a backup. She secured off-campus housing and paid a $600 security deposit but later found out that she made it off the waitlist. She ended up only being able to get $300 back from the security deposit, but I think it did give her (and her family!) peace of mind. It’s ultimately up to you, but I would at least look into it!

  2. Hi! I have some questions about the waitlist if you could answer them (maybe) lol

    1. Do they tell you what number you are on the waitlist?
    2. How long did it take for you to receive a room offer? Dorm payment for this semester is due July 20th so possible some time after?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Jennifer! I’m sorry I just saw this now! If I remember correctly, I don’t think they tell you what number you are on the waitlist, but you can find out a rough estimate by looking at your application number. I found out about my room on the date they posted on the application portal, which was I think 10 days or so before the payment due date. My friend was waitlisted, and I think she got in after a few weeks. Sorry this response is so late! You probably already started school at Yonsei, but I hope this helped regardless. Hope you have the best time in South Korea!

  3. Hey Lori! Tim here, just letting you know to keep on keeping on! hopefully everything falls into place and you get to go to china! t-sizz out!

    • Thank you so much, Tim! It means a lot to me that you took the time to leave a comment and send me a private message as well haha! See you in the States soon!

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